About Friendly Chapel
Friendly Chapel Church of the Nazarene is a church that believes in giving in the name of the Lord. Started in 1972, we have always worked to become an intergal part of our community. Our outreach is always looking for ways to be a blessing to our community. Whether it’s our F.L.A.M.E. Ministry (that helps feed community members); Van Ministry (which helps community members get back and forth to church events); or our Sunday Morning Worship Service (to which you are invited), Friendly Chapel wants to serve. For more information, visit our Ministries link and view all of our ministries.

Friendly Chapel Church of the Nazarene had its beginning long before it became today’s Friendly Chapel and Friendly Chapel F.L.A.M.E. (Feeding, Loving, All Men Equally). When Paul Holderfield, Sr. (Bro. Paul, Sr.) became a Christian, he began feeding a group of underprivileged youth at the NLR Boy’s Club, which at that time was the old Fourth Street Jr. High, where he worked part-time. Later the church moved to an abandoned school building, where a mission was started with 16 – 20 children who lived in Eastgate Housing Project.
The Friendly Chapel Church of the Nazarene was established in 1972 in a small, framed building that needed renovation. A few years later, Bro. Paul, Sr. felt “a call” to the ministry. He left the NLR Fire Department and became pastor of the church he started as a layman. The church and related facilities are located in what was a high-crime area near the Arkansas River in North Little Rock. With complete respect and support from the neighborhood, vandalism has been virtually nonexistent. Friendly Chapel is widely known for combating and overcoming prejudice.
Although more than soup is served, the “Soup Kitchen” was started in 1986. Up to 300 meals are served daily.
Bro. Paul, Sr. was a fighter. The difference between now and during his earlier life is that he and his wife, Barbara, began fighting for all the right causes. At the time of Bro. Paul Sr.’s death, their oldest son, Paul, Jr. was studying to become an ordained minister and stepped in to continue the ministry his dad started. A Men’s Bible Application Breakfast is served each Thursday morning at 6:15 a.m.
There is a book on Bro. Paul, Sr. and Barbara Holderfield’s life and ministry available upon request from the church office. Please request your complimentary book titled Bro. Paul by emailing info@friendlychapel.org.

In 1981, the small frame church became a modern brick facility with a sanctuary, well-equipped nursery and adequate educational facilities. Then in 1989, the Buddy Building multi-purpose facility was built. In addition to a full-size basketball court, it includes a conference room, dining area, modern kitchen (with commercial quality food preparation equipment), housing for several men needing spiritual and vocational help, and an apartment where Bro. Paul, Sr., and his wife, Barbara, lived until Paul’s death in January, 1998.